Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thing 22. Explore Social Networking

1. Why is it important that educators now how social networking works?

Social Networking is the not just the current ways kids today communicate. It is also the cornerstones to the future. Social Networking can create a community of learners sharing and building knowledge together. It is motivating for students who otherwise may be reluctant readers or writers. Social networking addresses TEKS in reading, writing, technology, and other content areas depending on the lessons assigned. It encourages collaboration, discussion, and sharing of thoughts & ideas.

2. What new insights did you gain about these popular sites?

Facebook is definitely a social network. I have more friends on Facebook than I have friends and family active in my life. It looks and feels like chatting with a friend, only sometimes they don’t even know I’m there. I can keep up with people I Know, have known, will know and find other friends along the way (though I think ‘friend’ is loosely defined in Facebook or My Space).

3. What did you like or dislike about each of the sites you explored?

Someone said Facebook has replaced My Space. I can see the reason. My Space is full of advertisements and other information that I did not put there. It doesn’t feel like “my space”. Facebook includes only the items that I have entered. I think there may be one or two ads that do not get in the way of viewing what I choose to be seen. I like seeing contributions of others who give me more ideas to include in my pages. I also like seeing suggested videos and articles contributed by others. They find things that I may never consider viewing.

I don’t like the trivial games I’m seeing. There appears to be a social attraction to these games. I like the social aspect, but the games look too easy, like finding colored eggs or building a farm. It seems as though people put a lot of time and money into some of this. I’m not sure what they gain. I prefer something challenging and interesting to keep my attention. Maybe I just haven’t found the right game.

4. Which site had the most useful features?

Personally I like Facebook because I have more control over the information on the page. Both My Space and Facebook seem to have similar features compatible with many software programs. In this manner, I can create something like a book, a video clip, or other technological creation which very easily can be inserted into my Facebook page.

5. Can you see an educational application for any of these sites?

I can see educational application with Facebook or My Space. However, students need easy access to technology and the internet in order to make it worth the time and effort to use in school. Our computers and computer lab time are inadequate for continued use and updates. I’m not sure this would be the best use of our limited time.

If we had computers and internet everyday all day, I’m sure Facebook would be included in our lessons. Students could do some of their work in class in the Facebook page and share it with others. Students could journal their learning experiences and include photos, videos, and anything else interesting to them. Education has arrived at the crossroads to the future. We now must invest the time and money to get the infrastructure and hardware so that teachers and students can fully implement 21st Century Technology learning and skills in our schools.

Look for me on Facebook.

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