Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thing #12 Create a Slideshow!

This slide show will be an introductory lesson for studying the planets.

TEKS 3.11) SCIENCE: The student knows that the natural world includes materials and objects in the sky. The student is expected to: C) identify the planets in our solar system and their position in relation to the Sun.

I used to create the slide show. It was very user friendly. There were so many options available. I enjoyed putting things together. Well it was easy until I needed to embed into my blog. It took a span of two days, a little help from my mentor, countless hours (trial & error,copy/paste/delete/tray again, this link/that link/try again, delete entire post/start over, etc. and on & on). It's worth taking the time to view, so I hope you take a look.

1) Anima Mundi by alicepopkorn 2) solar-view by sent4_777 3) Mercury from Messenger Oct 08 by wanderingspace 4) Venus by Melodic Hallucination 5) Blue marble (Planet Earth) by woodleywonderworks 6) Planet Mars by cosmobc 7) Resonance of voice by Matkraken 8) Juno Mission to Jupiter (Artist’s Concept) by NASAJPL 9) Saturn by planetearth112 10) Uranus by planetearth112 11) Neptune Full Disk View by NASAJPL 12) Lulin in full colour; closest to earth by Trois Merlettes 13) Milky Way Galaxy (Robert Hurt, SSC/JPL/Caltech) by kiwizone 14) Andromeda Galaxy by DJMcCrady 15) Galaxy Collision Switches on Black Hole 9NASA, Chandra, 12/10/09 by nasa1fan/MSFC 16) Star Formation Factory (NASA, Chandra, 12/18/06) by nasa1fan/MSFC 17) Solar I by john71

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