Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thing #16 Library Thing: Where Books Meet Web 2.0

Realm of Imagination

“As I viewed this site, my mind played out scenes in my classroom at school. I see a new educational experience on the horizon. I see a change in pedagogy. Just wait and see. Look how fast technology is advancing today. I guess it’s a matter of politics and $$ money $$ here in 2010. Government and Publishers of books are VERY connected."

Elements of the 4th dimension are used in education. Antique & unsophisticated technology have improved & evolved.

There are global benefits to computers over textbooks: High motivation for students; more interactive; examples, answers, & solutions at your fingertips; administrative uses; immediate assessment, grading, and RtI; et cetera; most importantly - Rain Forests are making a comeback. Computers in the hands of every child eventually cost less and have more necessary information. Learning is multiplied exponentially.

Every student has a computer at their desk. EVERY DAY. Students take their computers home for homework & fun. EVERY DAY. There are still paper, pencils, books, colors, bulletin boards, manipulatives, and all that we have now. We use them sparingly; hands on is still important. I also see technology integrated with real world experiences in the classroom at least 50% of the time. EVERY DAY.

Students learn with computers interacting in a virtual reality. Students talk to “Dr. Seuss” who also reads his books to them. Students ask him questions, he responds. “The Cat in the Hat” comes to life in the classroom (except the havoc he wreaks is in the 4th dimension – nothing is harmed in the classroom). Thing 1 & Thing 2 run around the room as if they are there, the movie plays out in our space, we can see it, but there is nothing tangible in our real world. “That’s the 4D hologram books”.

There’s an entire collection of virtual maps & travel books where you can experience the life of explorers who perhaps are climbing Mount Everest. You better bring your coats on that day, because even the room turns cold as the students & teacher journey along Mount Everest. Some students are actually in your classroom, others are with you in cyberschool at different locations around the world joining the expedition.

More images floated through my mind. Maybe it’s closer to the 22nd century – not sure. But I saw virtual reality happening in the classroom."

"What do you see in the future of education?"

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